Archivo de la categoría: Estados Unidos

‘Funeraria en Brooklyn busca muerto’ es el sugerente título de la nueva obra de Txemi Parra

Literatura española desde Estados Unidos

funerariaTórrido verano del 2016, Brooklyn. Pier Luigi Zunzunegui, agente de seguridad en la funeraria Catanzaro, descubre que el cadáver de Rogelio von Pipenton ha desaparecido en extrañas circunstancias. Sobre su cajón fúnebre reposa una bandera nazi.

Pier Luigi, junto a su socio Walter Porfirio Cortés, comienzan una investigación que les llevará a un frenético viaje donde recorrerán los rincones más dispares de Brooklyn, a bordo de una moto sidecar vintage.

El oscuro pasado de los Catanzaro, sus relaciones comerciales con los mataderos Kosher de la comunidad judía, el enfrentamiento con la funeraria rival de los argentinos Bordellini, la Gestapo y el oro de Canfranc, la conexión rusa de Brighton Beach y por último la excéntrica viuda Pereira, una gallega con poderes adivinatorios, complicarán la investigación y harán que suba la temperatura en un agosto ya de por sí caldeado con las elecciones presidenciales entre Hillary y Trump a la vuelta de la esquina. Lee el resto de esta entrada

Adict@, de Teresa Buzo

9788494509162.jpg¿Cuantas horas pasaste ayer mirando el móvil? ¿ y tu ordenador, tableta, iPhone…?

Lo que hasta hace unos años podíamos pensar como una actividad anecdótica, hoy día nos ocupa gran parte de nuestro tiempo: por las mañanas al tomar el café, camino al trabajo,  en el propio, de vuelta a casa y hasta dormirnos. Vuelta a empezar.

Y sin embargo, apenas somos conscientes del gran peligro que nos puede acechar tras una red de comunicación en la que todo está permitido.

En la novela Adict@, se narra la historia de Martina Fuentes, trabajadora de una agencia de viajes, casada y con hijos. Todo parece perfecto en su vida, pero siente que la rutina está minando sus últimos años de juventud… Lee el resto de esta entrada

Omar Farhad: “I came up with this interesting plot to point out the distance between the West and Afghanistan that is at least 500 hundred years behind from the rest of the civilized world.”

One of the most important facts that Omar Farhad wanted to point out in this short novel is the cultural distance between United States and Afghanistan.

He is working on a new novel called “Emotional Justifications” and it’s about new immigrants arriving from many corners of the world.

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By: Alberto Berenguer      Twitter: @tukoberenguer

Omar Farhad, an Afghan-American author

Omar Farhad, an Afghan-American author

«Impressive debut novel, without a doubt» or “Riveting, gripping and definitely thought provoking” are some reviews from famous writers who recommend your first novel. Did you expect this great welcome from readers on your literary debut?
It is pleasure speaking with you Alberto. So far, I have received many warm welcomes from fellow writers and readers. I consider myself a droplet in the sea of great writers. Nevertheless, I was not expecting great comments from veteran writers.

You are receiving many nice reviews since you debuted, do you usually read them? If yes, which is your favorite?
Yes, I read each review on many websites such as goodreads and passionately. I also read in to it for advice, constructive criticism, and guidance from my readers and writers. To answer the second part of your question; each review bring out different emotions in my readers and it makes me happy that I was able to touch different readers on a different level. Each review is teaching me a new path in writing and therefore, I like each one for a different reason. Lee el resto de esta entrada

Janna Lei: “My true inspiration came from ‘ghosts’ that have followed me all throughout life”

Sweet Dreams of Josephine is a compilation of dreams and poetry, with an erotic twist. It is a novel filled with drama, love, lust, magic and voodoo

The second book in the Josephine trilogy will be ready by January, 2015. It will be named, «Curse of the Blood Diamond»

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By: Alberto Berenguer and Frank Osei Nyame

Janna Lei Robinson

Janna Lei Robinson

The interview starts asking you to tell us how you realized you were ready to publish your first book. Did you have any doubt?
I realized that I was ready to publish my first book after 2 years and traveling across the country trying to run away from my horrible life. I always knew that I was a poet, but the written arts didn’t become quite as important to me until I went through some of the hardest times in my life. I was experiencing a really tumultuous time with my marriage and fell into a deep depression, where it seemed as though my only escape were words and dreams. I remember laying awake at night while the rest of the world slept, scribing my hopes, pains, wishes and dreams on loose leaf sheets of paper until my hand cramped and the wax from countless candles evaporated into the air of my desires. I’ve never doubted myself as far as writing or poetry is concerned,  but I had no idea that my words would reach as many readers as they have. When I published my book, I had big dreams of making money, but the more I learned about myself and life, the more I learned that money is the least important of my concerns.

And for those who still do not know your book, Sweet Dreams of Josephine, how would describe it?
«Sweet Dreams of Josephine» is a compilation of dreams and poetry, with an erotic twist. It is about a lady named Josephine, who idolizes (real life) cocaine Queen-pen, Griselda Blanco, who runs away from her abusive, international drug dealer husband to gain independence and become a madame. It is a novel filled with drama, love, lust, magic and voodoo. Lee el resto de esta entrada

William Landay: «I try to avoid writing novels that too closely resemble real crimes»

«Defending Jacob” is the latest book by William Landay. The book tells the story of how peaceful life of Andy Barber, assistant district attorney, is shattered when their son is accused of murdering a classmate. The book addresses some questions: How far will a father go to protect his son? Do parents know their children? In «Defending Jacob» we find not only a book that tells the story of a crime; it is also a book about a family drama.
William Landay (born 1963, in Boston, Massachusetts) is an American novelist. He’s degree in law from Yale and Boston College Law School. Before turning to literature, he worked for many years like an assistant district attorney. William Landay is the author of the novels «Mission Flats» and «The Strangler«, the latter winning the Creasey Memorial Dagger for best first novel. With his last book, “Defending Jacob”, has conquered the charts of bestselling books in the United States.

By: Marta Juan  Twitter: @martajuan

«Defending Jacob» is not just a crime thriller; it is also a family drama. The book talks about how the possibility that a son might be a murderer affects a family. Do you think that this is one of the strengths of the novel?
Yes, I think one of the reasons the book has been such a hit in the US is that it is accessible to so many readers. It doesn’t matter is you tend to read crime stories or mysteries or family dramas or “literary” fiction, the book will likely appeal to you. In fact, the strongest and most frequent reaction I’ve had is “I don’t usually read crime or suspense novels, but I tried this one and I just couldn’t put it down.” It’s as if mainstream readers have forgotten how suspenseful and exciting reading can be! And maybe, too, we writers have forgotten (or taken too lightly) our obligation to entertain the reader.

Unfortunately, in the United States and other countries, crimes like the murder in the book are not uncommon, children killing other children. Why did you decide to write about this sensitive subject?
It wasn’t because such murders are in the news. I find that I can only write well if the story speaks to me personally, and those sorts of news stories don’t really interest me much — though obviously they sadden me. Really, I chose to write about this sort of case because I wanted to explore this idea that we cannot really know one another. Even the people who are closest to us — our children, our parents — are strangers in a way. There is a limit to how well we can understand any other person. I have two children myself, little boys ages 8 and 11, and like every parent I try to do the best that I can for them. But sometimes it is hard to understand these little strangers. And of course, sometimes, as every mother or father knows, it doesn’t matter how good a parent you are. Good parents produce bad kids, bad parents produce good kids — there is an element of randomness in how all our children turn out. Hard-wiring, it turns out, is just as important as good parenting. It is a troubling thought for any parent, and it is an anxiety I wanted to explore in my book.

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Lanzamiento de «Tierra de Sueños», de James Nava

Dos mundos distintos. Dos sueños. La medalla de oro olímpica. Y una amenaza terrorista que afrontar.

NP Sniper Books

Tim Braddock procedía de una familia humilde de Texas y Samantha Davis de una familia acomodada de Minnesota. Él corría como el viento y ella patinaba de forma sublime. De su esfuerzo personal crearon algo único. Sus destinos nunca se hubieran cruzado, pero una terrible tragedia los unió. Ambos se habían enfrentado a todos los desafíos; sin embargo, la peor de las amenazas caería sobre sus vidas de una forma inevitable, cambiándolo todo para siempre.

En un tiempo en el que los símbolos lo eran todo para millones de personas, ellos se convirtieron en héroes. No buscaban riqueza, sólo la gloria olímpica y saborear el triunfo, desafiando sus propios límites, pero los acontecimientos les abocaron a una situación de vida o muerte, en la diana de un objetivo terrorista. En un lugar en el que los sueños lo eran todo, sus aliados surgieron donde menos los esperaban.   Lee el resto de esta entrada

Alicia McCalla, an African-American writer who has the ability to encourage social change and activism along with fantasy, futurism and paranormal in her books

She is a social writer who looks for important topics to people of color. Her Genetic Revolution Series will conclude with Double Identity and The Revolution

Alberto Berenguer

Alicia McCalla is a native Detroiter who currently resides in metro Atlanta, USA. She works as a media specialist or school librarian in a local school district. She writes for both young adults and adults with her brand of multicultural urban fantasy, futurism, paranormal, romance and horror. Her first book, Breaking Free, is available in print or for immediate download. Also, Flee: The Short Story y The Soul Eaters.

You began to writing with only ten years old with an old typewriter of your grandmother, is it something that comes from family?
My family has a long history in Education and Social Work.  My grandmother did tell me about her great Uncle who wrote a book of poetry and her grandfather who wrote about his journey from slavery to freedom. I haven’t heard of other authors in my family. It seems to be me.

From always you have liked the unusual stories as imagination, horror or violence, why did you learn to hide your wild and outlandish stories from family and friends?
It was unusual for an African-American girl from Detroit, Michigan to read or write such stories. It just wasn’t cool to do.

You began to share your stories openly when you joined Romance Writers of America (RWA), what has it meant for you to join RWA?
RWA has been a wonderful experience. I am currently on the board of my local RWA chapter and have learned so much from the other writers in the organization. I don’t think I would’ve published without the mentorship and connections that I received from associating with RWA. Lee el resto de esta entrada

Alicia McCalla, una escritora afroamericana que fomenta temas sociales junto a la fantasía

Considerada una escritora social que busca temas importantes para la gente de color. Concluirá su serie The Genetic Revolution con Double Identity y The Revolution

Alberto Berenguer

Alicia McCalla nació en Detroit y actualmente reside en el área metropolitana de Atlanta, EEUU. Actualmente trabaja como especialista en medios de comunicación y como bibliotecaria de la escuela en un distrito local. Escribe tanto para adultos como para jóvenes dando un toque de fantasía urbana multicultural, futurista, paranormal, romance y terror. Su primer libro Breaking Free está disponible de forma impresa y online. También es autora de  Flee: The Short Story y The Soul Eaters.

Comenzó a escribir con tan solo 10 años con una vieja máquina de escribir de su abuela, ¿es algo que viene de familia?
Mi familia tiene una larga historia en la Educación y el Trabajo Social. Mi abuela me contó sobre su tío abuelo que escribió un libro de poesía y que su abuelo escribió sobre su viaje desde la esclavitud a la libertad. Según lo que yo sé, son los únicos que han escrito en mi familia.

Desde siempre le han gustado las historias insólitas como la imaginación, la violencia o el terror, ¿por qué ocultaba sus historias salvajes y extrañas a su familia y amigos?
Era raro para una muchacha afroamericana de Detroit  (EE.UU.) leer o escribir tales historias. Simplemente no estaba de moda hacerlo. Lee el resto de esta entrada

James Nava, un escritor español que nos adentra en la novela policial estadounidense

Usted se llama Jaime Nava, y bajo ese nombre firmó sus dos primeras novelas. Sin embargo, la tercera y cuarta –El Agente protegido– la firma como James Nava. ¿Es difícil llegar al lector de Estados Unidos con nombre hispano?
Sí, ése es mi nombre, es el mismo en español  o inglés, Jaime o James, da igual. Realmente se puede llegar al lector de Estados Unidos con nombre y apellido hispanos, no hay ningún problema en eso. Lo de firmar como James Nava es una forma de expresar literariamente la combinación de culturas que represento, la española y la estadounidense.  No tiene más sentido que ése.  Para mí James o Jaime es lo mismo.  Además, curiosamente, ambos son dos de mis nombres favoritos.

Antes de hablar de sus libros, cuéntenos un poco sobre el mercado literario de EE.UU. ¿Es complicado publicar allí?
Es complicado, como en todas partes, igual que en España, al menos de una forma tradicional y con profesionalidad. El mundo literario y del libro es difícil y cuesta entrar. Aunque diría que lo más complicado ahora mismo no es tanto publicar como llegar a la gente, ser visible entre el mar de novedades y obtener una buena promoción.

Ha publicado cuatro novelas, con tres editoriales diferentes. ¿A qué se ha debido el cambio?
A la oportunidad de ir mejorando las condiciones de publicación, tanto en calidad como en términos de rentabilidad o promoción.  Ningún autor debe renunciar a esto. Lee el resto de esta entrada